"YOHAKU" chaina coat

The "YOHAKU" China Exhibition "Ten Outfits, Ten Colors" is finally drawing to an end.

Many different kinds of China are passing through the hands of many different people.

Each garment has its own unique character, which makes serving customers really enjoyable.

It's finally the last one.

Wool Melton Material

It is a lined coat type.

It's simple and highlights the quality of the material.

Among the items at this event, this one has the least Chinese feel and is very easy to wear.

I wanted to go see it, but there were a lot of people who said that they couldn't make it at the right time, or that it was too far away for them to go.

This has just been uploaded to the online shop.

Please take a look here


Thank you for coming to our store today, Saturday.

It was a fun Saturday from start to finish.

The weather forecast is good for tomorrow Sunday too.

We have many new products that we have not yet introduced, so

Please come and visit us!!


Trevena Glen Fram

Kobe City Chuo Ward Kitanagasadori 3-11-11 1st floor South

TEL 078-331-3005

Irregular holidays (We will announce our closures on our blog and various social media platforms)

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