For the upcoming outdoor scene

The perfect item is now in stock!!!


White Mountaineering's new label "WMBC" launched in AUTUMN/WINTER 2018

This label aims to create products with a more outdoor and gear feel.

We will be taking a different approach to White Mountaineering's work in the past.

The first wave of items includes collaborations with "Helinox" and "NEW ERA"!!!

Please click on the photo for more details on each item

Please check it out!!

Personally, I recommend the Helinox series.

The original textiles are also really cool.

Usually in the room

Compact and easy to carry when outdoors

is recommended!!


Trevena Glen Fram

Kobe City Chuo Ward Kitanagasadori 3-11-11 1st floor South

TEL 078-331-3005

Irregular holidays (We will announce our closures on our blog and various social media platforms)

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