Special item

Good evening

It's warm

We are starting to see more and more people wearing short sleeves in the city.

I think it's still too early though.

I can do it during the day.

The 19th is the Tacoma T-shirt launch.

Pattern, color, size

You should come and see it while it's still available.

Special items have arrived

"NIPOALOHA" 100 Beauties Pattern

It's really cool.

A long-established Yuzen studio that has been in business for 150 years since the Edo period


The finest aloha shirts made from Kyoto Yuzen dyed fabric

The design is a "Hundred Beauties" motif by an unknown artist.

It is a very striking pattern.

The elegant texture of the silk gives it a mature look.

In fact, this fabric

It is dyed with Yuzen dye on a jacquard weave.

Depending on the angle, you can see the chrysanthemum pattern.

It's the coolest thing ever.

"NIPOALOHA" Shamo pattern

This one is also cool

Gamecock motif by Ito Jakuchu

This is rayon

The material is nice and smooth to wear.

Already starting to run out of sizes

Get it before summer arrives!



Trevena Glen Fram

Kobe City Chuo Ward Kitanagasadori 3-11-11 1st floor South

TEL 078-331-3005

Irregular holidays (We will announce our closures on our blog and various social media platforms)

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