Summer fashion

Good evening, it was hot today too.

Summer is scary

If we continue at this rate, won't temperatures exceed 40 degrees by August?

As it gets hotter, people will inevitably start wearing lighter clothing.

There are probably many people wearing T-shirts and shorts.

That's what I'm like too.

But then you might be wondering how stylish it is.

So, hats and bags are the way to stand out from the crowd.

Even that is too much hassle!!

It's an accessory!!!

The bitter ones have just arrived!

An accessory brand based in Kobe.

This was specially ordered and made by "Slow Rise"!

I did some red coral and Roman glass.

Silver is also used generously.

Necklaces, bracelets, anklets

Available in unisex, men's and women's!

Please come and see it for yourself, it's super cool!!!



Trevena Glen Fram

Kobe City Chuo Ward Kitanagasadori 3-11-11 1st floor South

TEL 078-331-3005

Irregular holidays (We will announce our closures on our blog and various social media platforms)

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