Tomorrow is the last day of the pop-up.

Good evening

This is the NERIAME pop-up that has been running since Golden Week.

Finally, tomorrow will be the last day

Some items may not be available in your size.

I think you'll still enjoy it if you come and see it.

Look for this neon sign

I think it's rare to see NERIAME items, so

Don't miss this last chance!

The Chinese jacket was popular.

I'm out of size but still have a few left

Easy to use shorts

Please try it out!

And the undisputed number one in popularity is, of course,

Is it a mahjong ring?

Because they use small Chinese mahjong tiles

The texture is the same as the real thing

Those who buy several and wear them together

For those buying as gifts

There were many

You can also wear it with your silver.

It was really cool!

I don't think we're the only one that sells NERIAME in Western Japan.

This is a very rare opportunity so don't miss it!



Trevena Glen Fram

Kobe City Chuo Ward Kitanagasadori 3-11-11 1st floor South

TEL 078-331-3005

Irregular holidays (We will announce our closures on our blog and various social media platforms)

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