"MOROCCO" sailor hat

From "Morocco"

"Sailor hats" are now in stock.

Keeping the original military design intact

It is designed to be very easy to wear.

The original is natural color

I deliberately selected only navy and black.

Since it is an unfamiliar shape, you may be hesitant.

It's so easy to get caught

It's a hat that's incredibly easy to match with anything.

There are various ways to wear it,

According to your outfit and mood,

Please try it on.



sailor hat

size : one free

Color: navy / black

Price: 8000tax

Click here for details

Classic Bokutano items that were out of stock are now back in stock.
This will be released the day after tomorrow, June 1st!!
Trevena Glen Fram
Kobe City Chuo Ward Kitanagasadori 3-11-11 1st floor South
TEL 078-331-3005
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