It's coming this season too

From laugh and be

Limited to 30 pieces, serial numbered # EDITION THIRTY SERIES

As always, we use rare and luxurious fabrics, but we don't know where they come from.

To bring out the best in the materials

Simple and classic hats

Of course, this time it's autumn/winter.

"Laugh&Be..." a.bucket hat

Armani specifications, made by Nero Nero

A luxurious fleece bucket hat

The softness of the fleece gives it an autumn feel.

The colour and shape make the outfit come together.

"Laugh&Be..." g.bucket hat

Gucci specifications, made by Debo

A three-dimensional textured fabric

I touched it... no, just by looking at it I could tell it was high quality.

As worn in the photo

It goes perfectly with a clean outfit like a white shirt.

But it might be nice to mix it with vintage clothes...

"Laugh&Be..." p.long b cap

Prada specification, made by Nero Nero

Long brim

It looks modern and easy to use.

It's fleece material.

The long brim gives a sharp impression.

All are lined with mesh

I'm glad that it doesn't get stuffy even when I wear it now.

All come with adjustable belts

Simple shape and adjustable size

It's a hat that many people can wear.


Trevena Glen Fram

Kobe City Chuo Ward Kitanagasadori 3-11-11 1st floor South

TEL 078-331-3005

Irregular holidays (We will announce our closures on our blog and various social media platforms)

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