Staff blog


Presale stuff

I'm doing a little bit of pre-sale stuff. Mainly focusing on classic items There is only...

phatee & cobano プレセール

Phatee & Cobano Presale

Fatty Wear and Kobano With the cooperation of the manufacturer We are doing something like...

カジカジ 1月号 no.247

Kajikaji January issue no. 247

A small part of it is featured in Kajikaji January issue no. 247. Thank you.

ラフビナ忘年会 2014 写真集

Lafvina Year-End Party 2014 Photo Album

Click on this URL!! Can you see it?? Can people who don't have Facebook see it? https:/...



KINARI issue 11 will be released this weekend. TALKSHOW|I love talking. The theme is T...

カジカジ 10月号

Kajikaji October issue

Now on sale at Kajikaji Again From Trevina: ojaga×atomos×convers Introducing t...

MASH 2014-15 winter ZERO

MASH 2014-15 winter ZERO

MASH 2014-15 winter ZERO will be released this month. You can see the items on this pa...


Small items

I've been uploading some accessories to the web shop little by little. JAVARA handma...

girl's style vol.51

girl's style vol. 51

Now on sale in girls' styles From Trevina: ojaga×atomos×convers Introducin...


Autumn Headgear

Start incorporating autumn items into your wardrobe starting w...
